Hey Cougars –
Here is a great way for YOU to make a difference and spread a little kindness to someone hurting.
Do you know someone who is hurting, going through a difficult time and could use a little pick-me-up? Take a few minutes to fill out this short form and the members of the FASST (Freshman After School Service Team) team may be able to share some love with your friend in need. Your friend in need may be a member of the MND community (student, faculty, staff, parent) or someone outside of the MND community. This service is FREE.
What Cougar Care Bags ARE
Cougar Care Bags are intended for people who are having a tough time or hurting. This could be due to an injury, an ill parent or close relative, a death in the family, or some other major challenge they are facing.
What Cougar Care Bags ARE NOT
Unfortunately Cougar Care Bags are NOT intended to be “Thank You” gifts for your friends or teachers. While it is great to let people know you love them or to thank them, that is not the intent of this bag. Now…If you do want to thank someone or let them know you love them, we strongly encourage to write a note and send it to you! They will really appreciate it.
If your request meets the criteria, Care Bag will be created and processed by a member of the FASST team and you will be notified when your bag is ready for pickup in Campus Ministry. If the recipient is an MND student or teacher, we will notify them that they have an item to pick up in Campus Ministry. If the bag is for someone outside of MND, we will notify you via email to let you know when it is ready. Note that it may take up to a week to process your application.